Friday, December 10, 2010

Health & Fitness Claims

Sporting activities result in thousands of people injured every year and where their injury results from negligence, they may be entitled to compensation.

The owners or occupiers of the sports premises have a duty to take reasonable care. If they fail to do so, any person injured as consequence may bring a claim for compensation against them.

Some examples of possible causes of injury are:

  • Defective or unsafe facilities or equipment
  • Malicious or reckless conduct by competitors
  • Inadequate instruction training
  • Lack of supervision
  • Faulty playing surfaces
  • Injuries during school sporting activities

Organisers and Supervisors are normally held responsible for the injuries and are likely to be faced with a possible claim if they fail in their duty of care.

Common accidents happen at gyms, health clubs and leisure centres. Injury may occur whilst playing sport, working out, slippery floors, use of faulty equipment etc. Common places for accidents are swimming pools, changing rooms, trampolines and many more.

Whatever your circumstances, Let us help you find the Right Lawyer for your health and fitness injury to get you the maximum compensation possible in the shortest amount of time. Fill in our online form and fast track your claim now!